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Understanding Privacy Breach Notification
Thursday, January 28, 2021
12:00 pm MT
You’ve taken an important step to protect your practice! If you want access to more information like this, you may want to consider joining our Practice Management Success membership. Read more below…

Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic?
Or solving one problem just to find another problem popping up? Don’t know where to go for help? Many new and seasoned clinic managers find that they need help from time to time from other clinic managers who understand their problems. Let me help you with your Practice Management Success!
- Tips, tools, templates and training to help you start, grow, fix, or maintain your healthcare practice!
- Membership is open to all healthcare practices of any size – physicians, optometrists, audiologists, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, nurse practitioners, and more!
- Members access to online resources when you need it and networking and support from other clinic managers, practice managers, and healthcare providers in independent community practices – just like you!
Hosted by Your Practice Management Mentor, Jean L. Eaton.
Three Big Reasons to Start Today
Save time, money, and frustration!
Video Training and On-line Support
Join Today and Get These Membership Features

- 10 Key Steps to Prevent a Privacy Breach
- Research Check List
- How to Implement Scan and Shred Procedures and Ensure Quality Assurance
- Media Training – Do you know what to say when the &#*+%#^ hits the fan?
- Thinking About Provider – Patient Email Communications
- Provider – Patient Email Communications Outline for Discussion
- What Do You Need to Know Before Migrating Your Patient Data to a New Eelectronic Medical Record (EMR)
- What is a Privacy Impact Assessment
- Do You Know Where Your USB Is? Memory Device Management
- Phone Etiquette in Your Healthcare Practice
- How to Implement a Dress Code Policy in Your Healthcare Practice
- Routine vs Formal Patient Access Request – What’s the Difference?
- Closing the Patient Visit
- Coumadin Recall Procedures
- Cash Management in Your Healthcare Practice
- Recall Patient in Your Healthcare Practice
- Meet and Greet the New Patient in Your Healthcare Practice
- Reminder Phone Call Is Key to Patient Satisfaction
- Removing an Employee from Your Healthcare Practice
- Implementing Electronic Lab Results Reporting in Your Healthcare Practice
- “Privacy Statements in Plain Language”
- Privacy Breach Management
- Patient Access to Health Information for Tax Reporting
- 9 Steps to Hiring Employees to Your Healthcare Practice
- Archive and Destruction of Patient Records
- Closing or Moving a Physician Practice
- Closing a Chiropractic Practice
Networking – Access to clinic managers, practice managers, and healthcare providers that you can ask questions in a private discussion group (not Facebook!) Ask your questions to Your Practice Management Mentor and the private online community of clinic managers, medical office managers, and practice managers.

Practice Management Nugget Webinars for Your Healthcare Practice. 30 minute interviews with local, national, and international guest experts to help healthcare practice managers and providers manage their practice! Chat with the guest experts live or access the replays for their tips, tools, and templates that you can use right away so that you can save time and money!
Monthly Q&A Webinar with Jean L. Eaton Have you ever said, “If only I had someone to ask . . . !” Now you do! As a member of Practice Management Success, you have direct access to Your Practice Management Mentor using the online forum available only to members. (This is not a Facebook group!)
Monthly webinar – with training and tips requested by you and your peers. Send your questions about practice management, human resources issues, clinic management best practices, procedures, resources, practical privacy tips, and more!
Latest, up-to-date, proven strategies for your practice management success!

Frequently Asked Questions
I'm just getting started with my new practice. Is policy and procedure templates for me?
The Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures is the foundation of your healthcare business practice – and your privacy impact assessment (PIA)!
You need written policies and procedures to ensure compliance to the Health Information Act (HIA) and other regulations and professional standards. When you use these templates it will save you time and money!
I work alone in a small practice. How can these templates help me?
My practice is growing. Will the templates help me?
Sometimes I just wish that I had someone to ask if I'm on the right path . . .
I don't have time to check into membership groups every day.
My practice is pretty unique. Does Practice Management Success have content that I need?
I can't afford a membership.
The clinic owner / manager won't pay for memberships.

“When we know better, we can we do better.”
I know what it is like to work in a busy family medical walk-in practice.
My career started as a receptionist and transcriptionist in a busy family medical walk-in practice before I moved into health records and health information management and hospital administration. Now, I specialize my consulting practice to independent healthcare practices who want to start, grow, or fix their practice administration so that healthcare providers can focus on providing quality healthcare services.
I love surrounding myself with practice managers and healthcare providers who want to start, grow, and improve their practices. You will get great tips, tools, templates, and training that you can use right away to help you start, grow, maintain, or fix your healthcare practice.
Practice Management Success membership will help you right away. I am here to help you.
Jean L. Eaton, BAdmin, CHIM, CC
Your Practice Management Mentor with Information Managers Ltd.
Practice Management Success provides you with easy access to webinars, articles, templates, and interviews with guest experts – that will help you when you need it —
when you start, grow, or fix your practice.
Simple Monthly Pricing
No obligation and you can cancel at any time.
Membership is limited to ensure that you have access to Jean Eaton and feel supported in the community of practice managers just like you!
Register now!
Monthly payments using Stripe – you can pay by credit card or debit card.
$10 monthly including GST.
Have a coupon code?
Enter it at the check-out.
Don't be shy!
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.
My Personal 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download this program. But … I am biased. Why don’t YOU decide for yourself?
I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download the templates. Get access to the Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Wizard right away. If you find that the templates doesn’t offer the value I’ve promised you here, I’ll refund your purchase price.
No hassles. You have NOTHING to lose.