5 Strategies for Writing Engaging Social Media Posts for your Practice with Guest Expert Kayla Das

5 Strategies for Writing Engaging Social Media Posts for your Practice with Guest Expert Kayla Das

Strategies for Writing Engaging Social Media Posts for your Practice with Guest Expert Kayla Das

Are you a new clinic owner and wondering if social media marketing is for you?

Maybe you have been dabbling into social media marketing but now you are feeling overwhelmed?

Or, maybe you have an established social media presence but you want to learn new ways to get social media engagement.

In this Episode #109 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast For Your Healthcare Practice, guest expert Kayla Das of Evaspare Inc. provides 5 strategies for writing engaging social media posts for your practice!

Why Is Using Social Media Important?

​Kayla Das believes that the purpose of social media marketing is to inspire, entertain and to give more than you try to sell.

People are on social media because they want to be taken away temporarily from their day so they are much more likely to click on things that inspire, entertain or provide them some type of guidance and support.

After they gain trust with what you have to say you’ll be the first person they think of when they need professional support.

Interview Right to Hire Right Nelson Scott #1 Tip
Interview Right to Hire Right Nelson Scott #1 Tip

Kayla’s #1 Tip

​“My number #1 tip for clinic managers about social media marketing is when you are starting out is to start small. Choose only one or two social media platforms. You do not need to be on every social media platform to get engagement. Start with a social media platform that you are familiar with and that you believe that your ideal client uses.” – Kayla Das

Listen To The Podcast

5 Strategies for Writing Engaging Social Media Posts for your Practice | Episode #109

Listen to the Practice Management Nuggets for Your Healthcare Practice podcast. Get practical practice management, and privacy tips to help you start, grow, and improve your healthcare practice. If you are a clinic manager, team lead, healthcare provider or practice owner, these practical tips will save you time and money.

I help you manage the pink elephant in the room.

Listen here: Practice Management Nuggets Podcast

social media engagement for healthcare providers Kayla Das contact
engaging social media templates Kayla Das

Featured Guest: Kayla Das, Evaspare Inc.

Kayla Das is a Social Worker and Business Coach for therapists and coaches. Kayla works with therapists to:

  • create a strong private practice foundation based on values;
  • develop marketing strategies that are authentic and generate profits; and
  • establish business systems and processes that are designed for practice sustainability.

Would you like more social media and business strategy tips from Kayla?

Pop over to the podcast show notes here to listen to the podcast!

Be sure to grab Kayla’s gift to help you create engaging social media images.

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Social media is about creating a strong digital presence and building relationships – with your clients, with employees and new recruits, and with other colleagues and allies in your field.

If you decide to use social media in your business, you need clear rules about who will authorize messages. You also need a strong social media policy to provide direction and education to your employees about what they can – and can’t – say on-line.

Social Media Practice Management Success Tip – Social media policies, procedures templates to help ensure a professional and privacy compliant presence online while also positively representing and supporting your business brand.

social media management practice management success tip
Managing Employees When They Make Mistakes With Stacey Messner

Managing Employees When They Make Mistakes With Stacey Messner

Managing Employees When They Make Mistakes – Addressing Employee Performance and Restoring the Workplace

Have you ever had an employee who has made a mistake and now you’re scrambling about what to do next?

Your business needs a set of reasonable rules and guidelines for employees to follow. This helps to create a safe and respectful workplace and protect the privacy rights of your patients and employees.

Your healthcare practice should have a written policy and procedure to guide you in your response to a privacy and security incident.

Sometimes, our employees have been directly involved in the incident. For example:

  • Petty theft (personal gain)
  • Snooping in patient or employee records (disregarding policies)
  • Faxing a report to the wrong recipient (carelessness)
  • Using patient or employee information to cause harm (malice)

When employees and healthcare providers do not meet our expectations, sanctions or discipline may be appropriate.

In this episode #105 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, guest human resources expert Stacey Messner gives practical advice to clinic managers and privacy officers to navigate difficult conversations after an employee makes a mistake.

Listen To The Podcast

Managing Employees When They Make Mistakes – Addressing Employee Performance and Restoring the Workplace | Episode #105

Expert tips with Jean L. Eaton on Practice Management Nuggets Podcast For Your Healthcare Practice.

Listen here: Practice Management Nuggets Podcast


Are you prepared to have difficult conversations with your employees?

Grab this tip sheet from Stacey Messner free when you subscribe to Stacey’s newsletter list.

Listen in a different way

Featured Guest: Stacey Messner

Stacey Messner Will Teach You How to Manage Employees When They Make Mistakes – Address Employee Performance and Restore the Workplace

Human resources expert Stacey Messner, Leader in HR gives practical advice to clinic managers and privacy officers to navigate difficult conversations after an employee makes a mistake, addressing employee performance improvement and workplace restoration practices.

Get Stacey Messner Listen Differently Tip Sheet

Managing Employees Stacey Messner

Stacey Messner, Leader in HR, has been providing human resource consultation on a contract basis to businesses in the North Peace Region of Alberta since 2016.

With over 20 years of experience working in all disciplines of HR in many industries including not for profit, Stacey prides herself in providing HR services and support to leaders in workplaces who are responsible for their HR programs.

The services Stacey offers are HR advisory, training and development, workplace assessment, conflict resolution, and special projects such as job description review, HR policy manual, performance review, recruitment, and orientation programs. Stacey was born and raised in the Saskatchewan prairies and married into a Peace Country family where she lives with her husband and kids.

She is an active member in her community, loves raising a family in a rural setting, and enjoys the activities and beauty of the region.