
Health Information Management Privacy And Security Policy And Procedure Template
Get the Reliability And Power of Policy and Procedure Templates Without Spending Hours (or Days) Creating Them.
Your healthcare practice needs written policies and procedures to assist you to correctly, efficiently, and confidently collect, use, access, and disclosure of health information so that you can meet your accreditation, privacy impact assessment, and regulatory compliance requirements.
- Starting with a template saves you time and money
- Be privacy and security compliant
- No special software to buy or learn
- Use your existing MS Word and MS Excel office productivity software
- One-time fee
- On-line support
- Available now!
Three Big Reasons to Start Today
Save time, money, and frustration!
Prepare your good first draft in just a few hours. The fully customizable policies and procedures allows healthcare providers, clinic managers, and privacy officers to develop their own unique policy and procedures.
These Health Information policies and procedures exceed the minimum requirements to demonstrate the reasonable safeguards required by the Health Information Act and required in the Privacy Impact Assessment submission to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in Alberta.
Video Training and On-line Support
Step by step video instructions and valuable implementation tips and orientation videos.
Ready For You Now
Use the template to complete, customized, comprehensive health information management policy and
procedure just like this!
Play the video to flip through the policies and procedures you get right away!
I need these policies and procedures for my clinic!
How do I get started?

Step 1 – Complete the questionnaire and download the templates.
No new software to learn! Download the templates using MS Word and MS Excel. Easy for you to maintain.
Step 2 – Easily generate draft 24+ policies and 28+ procedures and forms using MS Word
Click the down-arrows to see the complete lists!
Policies & Procedures You'll Receive - (Click Here)
Featuring 24 Health Information Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures:
- Privacy Charter
- Health Information Privacy Practices
- Right of Access
- Correction / Amendment of Health Information
- Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Health Information
- Media Communications and Social Media
- Information Handling and Safeguards
- Research and Evaluation
- Records Security Classification
- Information Security In Contracting
- Wireless Networking, Remote Access, and Mobile Devices
- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan
- Sanctions, Progressive Discipline, and Whistleblower Protection
- Privacy Breach Incident Management
- Privacy and Security Risk and Mitigation
- Information Flow Diagram and Legal Authority
- Privacy and Security Monthly Audit
- Closing or Moving A Physician Practice
- Employee Privacy and Security Checklist
- Password Guidelines
- Data Quality Assurance
- Forms Management
- Archive and Destruction Log
- Role Based Access to Health Information
- Audit Log Files
- Patient Communication
Forms You'll Receive
You also receive these valuable forms for your to use with patients and your routine handling patient information:
- Release of Information Checklist
- Disclosure Decision Tree
- Patient Access To Own Identifying Health Information
- Patient Consent To The Disclosure Of Identifying Health Information
- Medical Record Request
- Fax Cover Sheet With Disclosure Notice
- Email Signature Block With Confidentiality Notice
- Notice to Recipient Disclosure With Consent
- Notice to Recipient Disclosure Without Consent
- Collection Notice Of Personal Health Information
- Confidentiality Oath – Affiliates (Employees)
- Confidentiality Oath – Custodians (Physicians, Nurses, Others)
- PIA Amendment – New Custodian Joins
- Amendment Letter For A New Custodian

Step 3 – Customize for your practice. Edit the documents for your healthcare practice.
All of your important personal health information (PHI) collection, use, access, and disclosure policies and procedures are included in the Practical Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures.
Tested and implemented in hundreds of healthcare practices in Alberta.
We’ve done the Health Information Act (HIA) research for you!
Creating a comprehensive Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures manual has never been easier.
Step 4 – Video coaching and best practices for the policies and procedures and implementation tips.
On-line support to help you polish the documents.

Step 5 – Customize for your practice. Edit the documents for your healthcare practice.
You can do better than check-the-box compliance – we show you how!
Step 6 – Video orientation for your employees
Implementing a new procedure or policy successfully must include training and discussion with your team. Download prepared videos to help you with orientation.
1 – Overview Privacy
2 – Introduction to the Manual
3 – Privacy Rights
4 – Information Handling
5 – Remote Wireless
6 – Disaster Planning, Privacy Breach
7 – Risk Management
8 – Patient Communication

Get the Reliability And Power of
Policy and Procedure Templates
Without Spending Hours (or Days) Creating Them
One Time Purchase of $475 CAD
(including GST)
Select your region and type of practice below
Click the button below to purchase your templates and join the course!
Alberta Medical Practice
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Alberta Dental Practice
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Alberta Chiropractic Practice
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Alberta Registered Nurse
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Alberta Nurse Practitioner
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Alberta Podiatry
Coming Soon!
Ontario Medical Practice
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Ontario Dental Practice
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Ontario Chiropody
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I had the pleasure working alongside Jean to develop a PIA for my Dental Office. I could not have completed this document without her. She was there to help me every step of the way. Her online course made it easy to communicate with her as well as having so many resources to use that were so helpful. Each Module had videos to watch that explained step by step what needed to be done. The PIA document is a lot of information to put together and if it’s not enough information on its own, you also need to develop a policy and procedures manual. Jean has developed an amazing resource for this manual that was very user friendly and made a 300 page manual a lot more attainable than creating it on your own. I highly recommend taking Jean’s PIA course and having her help throughout the process!
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm just getting started with my new practice. Is policy and procedure templates for me?
You bet! You have the passion to provide excellent services – but have you considered everything that you need to get your business started?
The Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures is the foundation of your healthcare business practice – and your privacy impact assessment (PIA)!
You need written policies and procedures to ensure compliance to the Health Information Act (HIA) and other regulations and professional standards. When you use these templates it will save you time and money!
I work alone in a small practice. How can these templates help me?
We support new healthcare providers and clinic managers who don’t have a lot of experience and often work alone in small practices. Don’t be afraid to ask your questions! We’ll help you overcome being overwhelmed and provide instructions step by step.
My practice is growing. Will the templates help me?
Congratulations on your expanding practice! Not having up-to-date written policies and procedures administrative safeguards in place could result in fines and even jail time for the healthcare provider. Instead, use the templates to quickly and easily create up to date written policies and procedures for your healthcare practice.
My practice is pretty unique. Do the templates have content that I need?
Each healthcare practice has pretty similar business building blocks. The type of service that you provide, skills, and even your workflow may be very specialized but often the collection, use, access, and disclosure of health information is very similar and in compliance with the Health Information Act and regulations.
The policies and procedures are ideal for the solo physician practice and multi-disciplinary practices.
Why don’t you give us a try? I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download the templates. Get access to the Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Wizard right away. If you find that the templates doesn’t offer the value I’ve promised you here, I’ll refund your purchase price.
No hassles. You have NOTHING to lose.
I can't afford a buying templates right now.
Money is tight and every purchase should meet your business goals. We offer payments by debit and credit card where you can manage your payment schedule.
I also offer you a no hassle guarantee.
I’ve seen many practices spend days of time and frustration trying to create their privacy and security policies and procedures from scratch. Most people know how to use policies an procedures – but writing them is harder than you might think! Instead, when you start with quality comprehensive templates, you will save yourself time and money.
Having policies and procedures and training your team on the policies and procedures is a requirement of your professional college and legislation.
Not having policies and procedures opens you to fines and penalties.
Privacy and security policies and procedures will help you to make better business decisions and better vendor selection to support your practice.
I don’t want you to worry about not being able to afford the templates. Schedule a call with me below. I’m sure that we can figure out something that is right for you.
Who are these templates for?
Community healthcare practice of any size – physician, optometrist, audiologist, dentist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, nurse practitioner and more!
The policy and procedure templates are ideal for the solo physician practice and multi-disciplinary practices.
These policies and procedures exceed the minimum requirements to demonstrate the reasonable safeguards required by the Health Information Act and required in the Privacy Impact Assessment submission to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in Alberta.
Do you offer a guarantee?
Why don’t you give us a try? I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download the templates.
Get access to the Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Wizard right away. If you find that the templates doesn’t offer the value I’ve promised you here, I’ll refund your purchase price.
No hassles. You have NOTHING to lose.
How are the templates delivered?
After your purchase, you will be directed to an on-line course platform. You will stream the introductory videos and download the MS Excel and MS Word documents right away.
No waiting!
Do I need any specialized tools or software to use these templates?
No learning new software required – use common business tools that you already have and know.
The templates work best with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
Is there anything else I need to buy to make this work?
Nope. Use common business tools that you already have and know. The templates work best with Microsft Excel and Microsoft Word. I even coach you on how you can get access to software.
What if I have questions?
The program has on-line videos to help you every step of the way. You also have access to on-line support desk and access to Jean in the discussion group.
I’m worried about not being tech-savvy enough to use the templates.
No learning new software required – use common business tools of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel that you already have and know.
Inside the course, you will find short video training with screen shots to show you step by step how to complete the questionnaire and edit the policies and procedures.
On line support is available in the membership, too.
If technology is holding you back, the Done For You (DFY) service can help you. You purchase the templates and complete the questionnaire – after all, you know your business the best! – and Information Managers will prepare the first draft of the manual for you for a one-time cost of $150.
You continue to have access to the membership and the video coaching and policies and procedures orientation videos that you can download and make available to your teams.
Don’t let technology become a barrier to you completing your policies and procedures. I’m here to help you.
Terms Of Service
The templates are under copyright with Information Managers Ltd. and is provided to you for your use in your healthcare practice. You purchased this template, so please respect your purchase by not giving it away or sharing it with a third party.
You may modify the template for your personal use.
Re-selling the templates is prohibited.
Affiliate opportunities are available – ask Jean for more information.
Not sure this is right for your practice?
Download a FREE Sample
Policy and Procedure Template
Employee Privacy and Security
Policy & Procedure Template

Don’t be shy!
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.
My Personal 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download this program. But … I am biased. Why don’t YOU decide for yourself?
I’m confident you are going to be delighted when you download the templates. Get access to the Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Wizard right away. If you find that the templates doesn’t offer the value I’ve promised you here, I’ll refund your purchase price.
No hassles. You have NOTHING to lose.

“When we know better, we can we do better.”
I know what it is like to work in a busy family medical walk-in practice.
My career started as a receptionist and transcriptionist in a busy family medical walk-in practice before I moved into health records and health information management and hospital administration. Now, I specialize my consulting practice to independent healthcare practices who want to start, grow, or fix their practice administration so that healthcare providers can focus on providing quality healthcare services.
I love surrounding myself with practice managers and healthcare providers who want to start, grow, and improve their practices. You will get great tips, tools, templates, and training that you can use right away to help you start, grow, maintain, or fix your healthcare practice.
Practice Management Success membership will help you right away. I am here to help you.
Jean L. Eaton, BAdmin, CHIM, CC
Your Practice Management Mentor with Information Managers Ltd.